Category: Geeky Stuff

Ubuntu Unity vs Gnome Shell

Today I updated both my main PC and home file server  from Ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10. As you may or may not know, Ubuntu 11.04 came with the new Unity desktop interface, which as I described in a previous post, I really did not like. However, in 11.04 it was...

Interactive Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy

SF Signal has create an interactive guide to NPR’s top 100 list of science fiction and fantasy books.  They have create a beautiful flowchart and a pretty nifty interactive web app. The flowchart is good to download and print out (if you have a 52″ x 40″ printer), and the...

Netflix Fail

It turns out that Netflix is actually run by a drunk orangutang. Instead of doing something sane, such as expanding their streaming library or adding new services like music, the CEO recently announced that they are complete splitting the DVD rental business into new company stupidly called Qwikster (pronounced a...

Dragon*Con 2011 Parade

I had a great time this year at Dragon*Con 2011. In my previous post I mentioned some of the highlights of Dragon*Con, but in this post I’m just going to zip through some great pictures I managed to take of the annual Dragon*Con parade. It was pretty fantastic seeing all...

Dragon*Con 2011

I have just returned from Dragon*Con 2011, and it was pretty fantastic as usual. I’m going to make some more posts about it over the next few days, but for right now you can just enjoy a few random pictures.

Bionic Rules All Machines

And this is why Android phones will always be that much more awesome than those pearly white  iPhone. Oh, yeah! Now that’s cyberpunk!

The Future According to Google

I recently stumbled upon this “Future Timeline” on the geek web comic XKCD, which appears to highlight future events from 2012 to 2101 ascertained by serendipitous Google searches for relevant key words. Click the image to see the full timeline, or follow this link. What I find particularly interesting is...

Dragon*Con 2011 Is Go!

After having missed Dragon*Con two years in a row (Bad geek! Bad! No Firefly for you!) my wife and I will at last be heading down to Atlanta this year to revel in all that is most geeky, nerdy, and awesome. If you’ve never heard of Dragon*Con, you’re probably reading...

Apple Has More Cash than U.S. Treasury

As shocking as it may seem, the maker of the iPhone, iPod, iPad, iMac, iTunes, iWhateverTheMarketingDepartmentCameUpWithThisWeek has more cash and securities than the United States Treasury. As of Wednesday, July 27, the US Treasury had $73.768 billion in cash, while Apple Corporation had just over $76 billion in cash and...

Study Shows Heavy Medieval Armor Was Heavy

A shocking report from scientists at the University of Leeds has revealed that Medieval knights were encumbered by heavy armor, and expended more energy than they otherwise would when not wearing heavy armor. The study was performed on medieval reenactors for the Royal Armouries in Leeds, who donned full...