
Mark William Chase lives near Indianapolis, Indiana, with his wife and the occasional foster kid. There he spends most of his free time reading science fiction and fantasy, keeping up with the latest news in science and technology, and writing the kinds of stories he would most enjoy reading. Since 1998, he has been developing the steam fantasy world of Mythania and working on a series of novels and short stories set during the momentous War of Wars.
An avid connoisseur of the steampunk aesthetic, he has adorned his home office with curious devices and clockwork contrivances collected both from afar and crafted by his own hand. He can occasionally be found attending science fiction conventions in his ever-accumulating steampunk attire.
About this Site
With well over 100 million blogs in the world, I have no illusions that this little web site will, for the time being, suffer in the black abyssal void of obscurity from whence few blogs have ever returned. But all things are possible in the fullness of time.
That said, let me introduce myself to anyone who happens to stumble in here. I am an aspiring author of fantasy fiction and science-fantasy. My current project is the World of Mythania. Mythania is a steam-age fantasy world filled with wonders both magical and technological, but devastated by war. You can discover more about the world of Mythania at
I’m also a professional geek. For my day job I’m a programmer and web application developer.
As a result, this web site and blog will cover subjects ranging from fantasy and science fiction, to writing, software development, science, astronomy, the latest hit movies, and who knows what else.