Category: Geeky Stuff

The Future According to Google

I recently stumbled upon this “Future Timeline” on the geek web comic XKCD, which appears to highlight future events from 2012 to 2101 ascertained by serendipitous Google searches for relevant key words. Click the image to see the full timeline, or follow this link. What I find particularly interesting is...

Dragon*Con 2011 Is Go!

After having missed Dragon*Con two years in a row (Bad geek! Bad! No Firefly for you!) my wife and I will at last be heading down to Atlanta this year to revel in all that is most geeky, nerdy, and awesome. If you’ve never heard of Dragon*Con, you’re probably reading...

Apple Has More Cash than U.S. Treasury

As shocking as it may seem, the maker of the iPhone, iPod, iPad, iMac, iTunes, iWhateverTheMarketingDepartmentCameUpWithThisWeek has more cash and securities than the United States Treasury. As of Wednesday, July 27, the US Treasury had $73.768 billion in cash, while Apple Corporation had just over $76 billion in cash and...

Study Shows Heavy Medieval Armor Was Heavy

A shocking report from scientists at the University of Leeds has revealed that Medieval knights were encumbered by heavy armor, and expended more energy than they otherwise would when not wearing heavy armor. The study was performed on medieval reenactors for the Royal Armouries in Leeds, who donned full plate...

Ubuntu 11.04 and Beyond

Ubuntu 11.04 was released in late April, so this is not so much new news as it is belated news (I did not get around to updating my desktop until just recently). Ubuntu 11.04 is probably the most controversial release of Ubuntu to date, just do some quick Google searches...

Cow Economy 101

I’ve been thinking a lot about the economy lately… Its history, its ups, its down, its future and long term outlook. All in all, however, I think this pretty much sums it up right here. The Cow Economy…

Happy April Fools’ Day

Happy April Fools’ Day, the holiday that celebrates American’s hard nosed dedication to the Julian calendar during the 16th century. Whatever the case, here in the 21st century, April Foolishness abounds on the web. First and foremost, one should begin with a healthy dose of Google’s latest beta project, Google...

Saturn Fly-By Actual Footage

The following video is actual video of an approach to Saturn and its moons, not 3D CGI or other computer animation. It’s real footage of Saturn, its rings, and moons. It was created from a compilation of actual photographs taken by the Cassini space probe in 2004. It is truly...

IE 6 Must Die

Millions of people worldwide still suffer from the debilitating effects of IE 6, a heartbreaking disease that renders the afflicted unable to enjoy most modern web content and increases their chances of contracting a malignant computer virus or exploitation by corrupt spyware and adware programs. It may also cause high...

Welcome Our Computer Overlords

“I for one welcome our new computer overlords,” wrote former Jeopardy champion Ken Jennings on the answer to his Final Jeopardy question as he conceded his defeat to the IBM supercomputer Watson. No matter who you were rooting for, it was indeed an historic day: February 16, 2011 will mark...