Author: M.W.Chase

The New Year, and Beyond

Happy 2011! Gosh, I’m feeling old. Hopefully, I’ll still make it to the 2060s and beyond, at which point we might… just might… be nearing the technological singularity and develop new bio- and nano-technologies enabling a rapid rise in health and over-all life expectancy. That’s my hope, anyway. To that...

Sucker Punch: Wonderpunk?

While the name is stupid, Sucker Punch is indeed a movie I didn’t see coming (hence, Sucker Punch might be an apropos name after all). The best way to describe it is something like this: a young girl in the 1950’s (I think) has a bad life, gets put in...

Interesting Blog: Curious Expeditions

I just stumbled upon a rather interesting, weird, and wonderful little blog called Curious Expeditions ( According the site, they are “devoted to unearthing and documenting the wondrous, the macabre, and the obscure from around the globe.” While some of the posts are indeed a bit macabre, most (even the...

Tron: Legacy — Awesomeness Reborn

Greetings Programs! As you have no doubt been informed by the bits dispatched by the MCP, the final build deployment of Tron: Legacy looms imminent. Stand-by for primary instructions from your Users regarding the availablity of access lines to the Grid, which we anticipate shall open on December 17th, 2010....

New Site and Blog!

I’ve just finished the migration of my blog (previously hosted at to this server,, and have full merged and integrated all of the contents of Meta-Earth that I intend to keep here. Basically, this is now my official “blogging” site, although I really don’t like that word, so...

Foray Into VPS Hosting

The other day I switch all my web sites from a shared hosting provider to VPS hosting at Linode. There are thousands of Linux VPS providers, the most famous of which is Rackspace because of all their television commercials, but within the developer community Slicehost (now a subsidiary of Rackspace)...

Just Another Day in Paradise

My wife and I (yes, I’m happily married now) recently returned from our week-long honeymoon in Hawai’i — the Big Island, that is. In short, the Big Island is a magnificent place to visit and quite an experience for someone who has never been to the tropics. This post is... -> LibreOffice, oh my…

As a writer, I am proud to say that I have used as my primary office suite for over 5 years, and could not be happier with it. While I must admit that Microsoft Office is a good office suite product, I rather dislike its user interface (the ribbon,...

Plan 28: building the Analytical Engine

In 1837, the engineering genius and great-grand-father of the computer, Charles Babbage, laid down the details of a marvelous mechanical computer that would have revolutionized the world and ushered in the computer age 100 years before its time… had anyone bothered to finance the visionary endeavor. Sadly, no one did,...

Take Me To Your Ambassador, Earthling

The United Nation is set to appoint Mrs. Mazlan Othman, the current Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (or UNOOSA), to serve as Earth’s official ambassador in the event of extraterrestrial contact. Until now, no one person had been designated for this task, and the exact...