Category: Steampunk

Interesting Blog: Curious Expeditions

I just stumbled upon a rather interesting, weird, and wonderful little blog called Curious Expeditions ( According the site, they are “devoted to unearthing and documenting the wondrous, the macabre, and the obscure from around the globe.” While some of the posts are indeed a bit macabre, most (even the...

Plan 28: building the Analytical Engine

In 1837, the engineering genius and great-grand-father of the computer, Charles Babbage, laid down the details of a marvelous mechanical computer that would have revolutionized the world and ushered in the computer age 100 years before its time… had anyone bothered to finance the visionary endeavor. Sadly, no one did,...

Steampunk at Dragon*Con 2010

I truly regret the fact that I’m going to miss Dragon*Con 2010, and the insufferable agony is only exacerbated by the fact that there will be a motley presence of fellow steampunk frea… I mean geeks… attending this year. From the release on Dragon*Con’s Daily Dragon: “Don’t miss “The Steampunk...

On the Dilution of Steampunk

Clint Wolf of the Satellite Show rants about the “Scope Creep” of Steampunk, and I heartily agree. I’ve been noticing this gradual scope creep too, and it has tended to give me a bit of an uneasy feeling these past few years. There seems to be such a profusion of...

Victorian Sci-Fi and Steampunk Blog

I recently stumbled upon this rather stupendous blog called Yours in White Wine Sauce! which has nothing to do with wine or wine sauces (much to the chagrin of many visiting chefs and wine aficionados), but rather, a plethora of Victorian-esque science fiction and steampunk subject matter. The blog claims...

Abney Park – Airship Pirates video

Here’s a nice high quality video of Abney Park playing their most excellent steampunk shanty, Airship Pirates, at  the Edison Club. Check it out! Be sure to observe their outfits and instruments. This is what makes steampunk rock… Literally.

Yet Another Article on Steampunk

The Economist partner site More Intelligent Life is carrying an article on, well, steampunk. It seems everyone these days is talking about steampunk, which will either burn it out or make it more popular. I’m hoping for the latter, but humans are fickle creatures. Anyway, you can read the article...

Steampunk Down Under

The Aussie newspaper, The Age, as an impressively long article on the Steampunk scene in Melbourne. The article goes into detail on the appeal of Victorian aesthetics, historical reenactment, “cosplay”, LARPing, and the various do-it-yourself steampunk projects by various Melbourne enthusiasts. One featured enthusiast is Stirling Gill with his Mad...

Museum Replicas Now Carrying Steampunk

Museum Replicas, the famed (and somewhat pricey) provisioner of well-crafted replica Medieval, Renaissance, Viking, and fantasy swords, armor, clothing, and apparel, have leapt heedlessly headlong into the alternative 19th century realm of steampunk. Currently, they have some clothing and accessories, a few weapons, and a couple steampunkish gadgets. Their catalog...

Ultimate Steampunk House Revisited

Last year I drew your attention to the ultimate steampunk house, created by Bruce and Melanie Rosenbaum of Modern Victorian Home Restoration (they also did the ultimate steampunk workstation, which I recently posted on). I recently revisited their website and discovered that they now have an extensive virtual tour available...