Category: Geeky Stuff

Foray Into VPS Hosting

The other day I switch all my web sites from a shared hosting provider to VPS hosting at Linode. There are thousands of Linux VPS providers, the most famous of which is Rackspace because of all their television commercials, but within the developer community Slicehost (now a subsidiary of Rackspace)...

Take Me To Your Ambassador, Earthling

The United Nation is set to appoint Mrs. Mazlan Othman, the current Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (or UNOOSA), to serve as Earth’s official ambassador in the event of extraterrestrial contact. Until now, no one person had been designated for this task, and the exact...

At the Mountains of Madness, the Movie

Well, it looks like the Cthulhu mythos of H.P. Lovecraft is finally coming the big screen, as the movie script of At the Mountains of Madness is currently being passed around the Hollywood big wigs. Let’s just hope Hollywood can do it right… And if they don’t, I’ll call Yog-Sothoth...

Steampunk at Dragon*Con 2010

I truly regret the fact that I’m going to miss Dragon*Con 2010, and the insufferable agony is only exacerbated by the fact that there will be a motley presence of fellow steampunk frea… I mean geeks… attending this year. From the release on Dragon*Con’s Daily Dragon: “Don’t miss “The Steampunk...

On the Dilution of Steampunk

Clint Wolf of the Satellite Show rants about the “Scope Creep” of Steampunk, and I heartily agree. I’ve been noticing this gradual scope creep too, and it has tended to give me a bit of an uneasy feeling these past few years. There seems to be such a profusion of...

Show Me the Mummy!

Dr. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, who might as well be known as “Zahi the Great and Mighty Curator of Upper and Lower Egypt”, now has his very own television show. Premiering July 14th at 10pm on the History Channel, “Chasing Mummies” is basically...

Transformer Owl

OK, this is freaky funny. It’s a transformer owl. Actually, it’s a scary owl for exacerbating your inner owl fear (strigiphobia). The source, from Discovery Channel Animal Planet blog, is worth looking at too (though the video is obviously in Japanese, from some Japanese show). Check it out!...

My Review of the ASUS VH242H Display

I just bought a new display screen for my computer. For a writer/programmer half-breed like myself, it’s important to have an excellent display to stare at day in and day out so that my eyes don’t shrivel up and disintegrate as though someone threw a beaker full of concentrated fluorine...

Ninjas Take on Muggers, Win

This must be one of the funniest, and most satisfying, news stories I’ve heard in a long time. Apparently, some ninjas in Sydney, Australia recently took on some street thugs who had the misfortune  of carrying out their dastardly deed in an ally behind a ninjutsu dojo. From the Sydney...

Ubuntu 10.04 Quick Review

The latest Long Term Support release of the Ubuntu Linux operating system is now available: Ubuntu 10.04, Lucid Lynx. And yes, it just keeps on getting better. Being a Long Term Support release, 10.04 is designed to be stable and mostly bug-free (more so than 9.10, at least), and will...