Author: M.W.Chase

Dragon*Con 2011

I have just returned from Dragon*Con 2011, and it was pretty fantastic as usual. I’m going to make some more posts about it over the next few days, but for right now you can just enjoy a few random pictures.

Bionic Rules All Machines

And this is why Android phones will always be that much more awesome than those pearly white  iPhone. Oh, yeah! Now that’s cyberpunk!

The Future According to Google

I recently stumbled upon this “Future Timeline” on the geek web comic XKCD, which appears to highlight future events from 2012 to 2101 ascertained by serendipitous Google searches for relevant key words. Click the image to see the full timeline, or follow this link. What I find particularly interesting is...

George Washington: Zombie Hunter

Jason Heuser has created some truly epic “what if” concept art for (the best way to describe it) “Epic Presidents” — some with a nice steampunk flare to boot. Check it out (all pictures link to his deviantART gallery).  (George Washington: Zombie Hunter) (Andrew Jackson: Alien Slayer) (F.D.R.: Battle for...

The Glass Armonica

I know it’s the wrong season for this, but I just came upon this video of a fellow dressed like Ben Franklin playing “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” on a glass armonica. For those who do not know, the glass armonica is a musical instrument invented by old Bennie...

Dragon*Con 2011 Is Go!

After having missed Dragon*Con two years in a row (Bad geek! Bad! No Firefly for you!) my wife and I will at last be heading down to Atlanta this year to revel in all that is most geeky, nerdy, and awesome. If you’ve never heard of Dragon*Con, you’re probably reading...

Global Financial Meltdown, Again

Argh! The Stock Market has crashed yet again! Would some one please fix it so it will stop doing that? I mean really — how am I supposed to get that 45% annual return that I need to actual retire when I’m at retirement age if the global financial market...

Mammoth Book of Steampunk!

Beneath Ceaseless Skies magazine has just announced that they will be publishing the Mammoth Book of Steampunk sometime next year. The book will include “A Serpent in the Gears,” by Margaret Ronald, from BCS #34,as well as stories authors Genevieve Valentine, Cat Rambo, Matthew Kressel, and Megan Arkenberg, and new...

Eye of the Storm

This is a rather fantastic steampunk music video — it’s not a fan piece, but rather is the actual music video for Ben Lovett’s “Eye of the Storm”, from the album Highway Collection, and directed by Christopher Alender. So turn up the volume, click the HD resolution setting, blow it up...

Apple Has More Cash than U.S. Treasury

As shocking as it may seem, the maker of the iPhone, iPod, iPad, iMac, iTunes, iWhateverTheMarketingDepartmentCameUpWithThisWeek has more cash and securities than the United States Treasury. As of Wednesday, July 27, the US Treasury had $73.768 billion in cash, while Apple Corporation had just over $76 billion in cash and...