Author: M.W.Chase

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Need I say more? I don’t think so! And here’s a nice Featurette. …and I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. And I looked and behold was Death saying, come and see. And I saw. And Hell followed me.  

Freak’n Space Nazi Comedy Action Movie

Iron Sky (which I thought I blogged about last year, but can’t find the post now) is finally being released this year on April 4th, 2012. Check out the trailer! Keep in mind this is an independent film from Finland, from the creators of Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning, and...

NASA Budge (maybe) Cut Again

For the cost of less than a single day on the War on Terror, we could have a robust and far-reaching program to explore Mars, look for signs of life on another planet, increase our overall science knowledge, and inspire a future generation of kids. …so explains Phil Plait, who...

Weird War Machines that Never Were

Well, here’s some weird and wacky war machines that never really were. The Tumbleweed Tank: Leave it to the British boffins conjure up this month-of-all-wacky tanks. The Tumbleweed Tank would have been pretty awesome, if it wasn’t so obviously impractical. Oh well. That, and it could easily be defeated by...

Ten Words to Stop Misspelling

Here’s a neat little mnemonic tool to help you avoid some of the most commonly misspelled words in the English language. All credit is due to, and to see the original post please go here. Click here to see the full Ten Words to Stop Misspelling

Must See Movies of 2012

Here’s my top picks of the must see movies of 2012, in no particular order. Be sure to click the HD option to 720 and go full screen! The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey We all know the tale, and at long last the new movie has been revealed! The Hunger...

Zeitgeist 2011

I hope you had a good 2011 and have a happy 2012. Google has put up a retrospective of 2011, highlighting from the search engine’s perspective the top stories and events of the past year. Sure, it’s just a promo for Google, but it’s still a great video. Enjoy!  

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Only 374 days! Click the HD 720 and go full screen: From Warner Brothers press release: “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” follows title character Bilbo Baggins, who is swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor, which was long ago conquered by the dragon Smaug....

72 and Sunny on Kepler-22b

It’s 72 and sunny on Kepler-22b! Well, maybe. The Kepler Telescope team has announced confirmation of a terrestrial planet orbiting a G-class star (same type as our star) in the habitable orbit zone. The planet, dubbed Kepler-22b, is a little over twice the size of Earth, and orbits its host...