Author: M.W.Chase

Space Suite Video

Take a look at this fantastic 3D video demo by visual effects artist Lucas Green. He used pictures and footage from Cassini, Hubble, and other sources to create these breathtaking 3D rendered video effects. He explains on his blog how he created the visual effects. Wild!

Orion Spacecraft Is Go!

NASA’s new Orion space capsule has successfully launched and landed in its first-ever test flight. On the morning of Friday, December 5th, at 7:05 am, a Delta IV Heavy rocketed the Orion space capsule 5,800 kilometers (that’s 5.8 megameters) into a high elliptical orbit. After some 5 hours, it then plunged back to...

Star Wars: the Force Awakens Teaser

Star Wars: the Force Awakens teaser trailer has been released! There’s too little here to really guess at the plot, characters, or story, but at least we have a few new visuals to enjoy!

Stop Looking At Your Phones

Take a look at this brilliant Downton Abbey parody, also parodying the propensity for us plebeian pedestrians to ponder our phones. (Be warned, however — the parody does use some language that may offend).

Gothic Castle For Sale

Take a look at this crazy cool gothic castle for sale in Woodstock, Connecticut. It costs a cool $45 million, but it does have a moat, 8 bed rooms, a motor pool, and covers 22,000 sq ft of pure medieval fun. Now all it needs is a dragon to perch...

Fusion In the Next Decade?

This is big news–really big news. Normally, I would shrug off claims about viable fusion power within the next 10 years. But this claims is not coming from some crackpot nutcase. This claim comes from Lockheed Martin; and when Lockheed Martin claims to have made a break-through, people listen. According to...