Author: M.W.Chase

Orion Spacecraft Is Go!

NASA’s new Orion space capsule has successfully launched and landed in its first-ever test flight. On the morning of Friday, December 5th, at 7:05 am, a Delta IV Heavy rocketed the Orion space capsule 5,800 kilometers (that’s 5.8 megameters) into a high elliptical orbit. After some 5 hours, it then plunged back to...

Star Wars: the Force Awakens Teaser

Star Wars: the Force Awakens teaser trailer has been released! There’s too little here to really guess at the plot, characters, or story, but at least we have a few new visuals to enjoy!

Stop Looking At Your Phones

Take a look at this brilliant Downton Abbey parody, also parodying the propensity for us plebeian pedestrians to ponder our phones. (Be warned, however — the parody does use some language that may offend).

Gothic Castle For Sale

Take a look at this crazy cool gothic castle for sale in Woodstock, Connecticut. It costs a cool $45 million, but it does have a moat, 8 bed rooms, a motor pool, and covers 22,000 sq ft of pure medieval fun. Now all it needs is a dragon to perch...

Fusion In the Next Decade?

This is big news–really big news. Normally, I would shrug off claims about viable fusion power within the next 10 years. But this claims is not coming from some crackpot nutcase. This claim comes from Lockheed Martin; and when Lockheed Martin claims to have made a break-through, people listen. According to...

The Great Martian War

As historical footage / CGI mashups go, this one takes the cake! Using World War I archival footage, CGI, and probably some reenactment footage as well, this video shows what a real Martian War would have looked like in 1914. The footage is from a History Channel mockumentary called “The...