Tagged: movies


Transcendence is a new movie coming out April of 2014, and seems to either be about AIs or transhumanism, or both. Probably both. Whatever the case, the teaser trail is narrated by Morgan Freeman. Which means it’s epic. Morgan Freeman could narrate paint drying and it would be epic. And...

Call of Cthulhu, Silent Film

If you’re an H.P. Lovecraft fan, or if you’ve just heard passing references to Cthulhu and have always wondered what the heck it was all about, then you can’t miss this independent short film adaptation of “The Call of Cthulhu”. Unlike many other films that have been written based on...

Ender’s Game

At last, one of science fiction’s greatest classics (modern classics anyway) comes to the big silver screen! Come this November, I think we’ll be seeing what a real far future space war would be like. Orson Scott Card is said to be a co-producer, so here’s hoping that Ender’s Game...

Europa Report

Europa Report is a new movie about an international team of astronauts sent a mission to land on and explore the Jovian moon Europa. What makes Europa Report different is that it looks entirely realistic! In fact, the trailer looks like it could have come from an actual mission that...

Star Wars Episode VII

Now that Disney has bought Lucas Film, what should we expect for then next Star Wars films? I think these guys have a pretty good idea (and it’s pretty well done, too). But seriously, it looks like the new Star Wars films will be coming out in the summer of...

Disney Buys Lucasfilm

Holy mother of Vader, Disney has just acquired Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion! Apparently, Disney is also going to make a 7th film for release in 2015, with more films to follow every 2 to 3 years. Here’s a video interview: I guess we’ll just wait and see where this is...

New Hobbit Trailer

The new trailer for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is now out! Just watch it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5bvK-pMzJM&hd=1  

Hobbit – Production Video Blog

Now here is a good way to spend the next hour and a half — it’s the complete Hobbit production video blog, episodes 1 to 8. Check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hBr8Vr7eW8