Tagged: movies

Avengers: I Hope It’s Good

Well, the new Avengers movie looks better and better with every trailer and clip I see. I sure hope it really is as good as it looks. Check out this latest clip: If the embeded video doesn’t play (or you want to see higher def version), you can find it...

Solomon Kane: the Movie You Never Heard About

I’m sorry to say I never heard about the Solomon Kane movie, based on the adventures of the archetypal anti-hero created by Robert E. Howard, which was apparently release in Europe and the UK in 2010. Why did I never see it or even hear about it? Because it was never...

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Need I say more? I don’t think so! And here’s a nice Featurette. …and I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. And I looked and behold was Death saying, come and see. And I saw. And Hell followed me.  

Freak’n Space Nazi Comedy Action Movie

Iron Sky (which I thought I blogged about last year, but can’t find the post now) is finally being released this year on April 4th, 2012. Check out the trailer! Keep in mind this is an independent film from Finland, from the creators of Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning, and...

Must See Movies of 2012

Here’s my top picks of the must see movies of 2012, in no particular order. Be sure to click the HD option to 720 and go full screen! The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey We all know the tale, and at long last the new movie has been revealed! The Hunger...

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Only 374 days! Click the HD 720 and go full screen: From Warner Brothers press release: “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” follows title character Bilbo Baggins, who is swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor, which was long ago conquered by the dragon Smaug....

Sucker Punch: Wonderpunk?

While the name is stupid, Sucker Punch is indeed a movie I didn’t see coming (hence, Sucker Punch might be an apropos name after all). The best way to describe it is something like this: a young girl in the 1950’s (I think) has a bad life, gets put in...

At the Mountains of Madness, the Movie

Well, it looks like the Cthulhu mythos of H.P. Lovecraft is finally coming the big screen, as the movie script of At the Mountains of Madness is currently being passed around the Hollywood big wigs. Let’s just hope Hollywood can do it right… And if they don’t, I’ll call Yog-Sothoth...

The Future of Total Multimedia Access

I have often wondered what it would be like to have any movie, any TV show, any documentary, any news broadcast, any historical footage, any sports event, any album, any song, any radio drama, and any thing at all of that or similar nature at my very beck and call....

Tron: Legacy

There is some big new from Comic Con about the new Tron movie — Tron: Legacy. From the previews, it looks like it may be pretty good. And if not good, well, at least it will be nostalgic for those of us who grew up ooohhhing and ahhhhing the original...