Category: Steampunk

Must Have Steampunk Essentials

I just ran across these rather cool Steampunk goggles and thought I should post. They are fairly well priced, given the quality of workmanship (at least, from the pictures), so go ahead and check it out on And while we are on the subject, check out these other steampunk...

Steampunk Culture – Abney Park

This is a great 7 minute interview with one of my favorite bands, Abney Park, on steampunk culture, style, and music. Check it out!

What’s with the Punk?

punk (pŭngk) n., slang 1. a young ruffian; hoodlum. 2. a suffix you can put after any noun to magically create a new style, genre, or sub-culture The “Punk ethos” began sometime during the mid-1970’s and grew though the 1980, and was defined by loud music, leather jackets, ripped jeans,...

Steampunk Gallery

This page has some fantastic steampunk images, and links to the original art’s own portfolio. This page is definitely worth a look for any steampunk enthusiast. Enjoy!

Latest Steampunk PC

Ladies and gents, the evil genius Jake of all Trades has done it again. Unveiling his plans for total world domination, he has contrived a monsterfully masterful marvel of infernal engineering. This latest creation of his has been aptly dubbed the Damnation (in honor of the new PS3 game of...

Nifty New Steampunk blog

I recently stumbled upon this nifty new blog, humbly called “Steampunk Pics”, not too long ago. It’s been around for a few months now, and displays some very interesting items. Just thought I would post a link for anyone who might want to take a look! Enjoy.

A Rediculously Stupendous Accessory

Alright, this would simply be the most ridiculously stupendous accessory to a steampunk costume I’ve ever laid eyes on. If I just had $6,000… we’ll, I would probably save it in this economy… But if I was completely loaded, I would buy this piece at the drop of a bowler...

Great New Victorian Comic Series

There seems to be a really cool new Victorian era comic books series in the works called “Mathema”, by one Amy Pearson, which emphasizes mathematics and weird science, and gives it a dash of steampunk flare.  It also appears to have some very intriguing fantasy, magical, and occult themes. Check...

Sterling on Steampunk

The venerable Bruce Sterling, sci-fi writer and co-author of “The Difference Engine” (with William Gibson), has written a marvelous little essay on the subject of steampunk, not only speaking to the literary genre fans, but to the craftsmen, costumers, and lifestyle practitioners as well! He also mentions the social and...

Steampunk @ Dragon*Con 2008

I just returned from Dragon*Con 2008, in Atlanta. If you’ve never been, or never heard of it, Dragon*Con is one of the biggest sci-fi/fantasy conventions in North America, with over 30,000 attendees in recent years. This year had people from “Battlestar Galactica”, “Firefly”, “Farscape”, “Star Trek”, “Star Wars”, “Lord of...