Category: Geeky Stuff

Make Your Own Steampunk Speakers

I wanted a pair of steampunk speakers as part of my ongoing project to steampunk-up my home office. Here are the steampunk speakers I ended up creating, which are mounted on the hutch above my desk. Do you like them? Well, you can have them! You just need to build them...

It’s 2015 and Here’s Your Hoverboard

It’s 2015, and thanks to Lexus, there is a hoverboard. You just need some liquid nitrogen, super conductive rare earth magnets, 1.21 gigawatts, and a little plutonium (okay, scratch the last 2 items). Though very cool (and literally so), the hoverboard only operates on a closed track, which seems to...

Latest Images from Pluto

The latest images of Pluto have been beamed back from the New Horizons probe! You can see the latest image on the New Horizons mission site, or read the article on Also, there was a nice informative press conference, so have a look at that as well.

New Horizons Zooms Past Pluto

On July 14th, the New Horizons space probe made history as zipped past Pluto at a blistering 14 km/s (that’s 0.000046% the speed of light, if you’re counting), snapping pictures and taking readings. It will take 16 months for all the images and data to be downloaded, but NASA has...

Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice

The new Dawn of Justice trailer is out! Not only does the new trailer reveal why Bruce Wayne is so angry at Superman, but it also gives us some great Lex Luthor and (brief) Wonder Woman action! But where’s Aquaman?

A Natural History of the Fantastic

Ever wondered how dragons fly? An amazing new Kickstarter project is running now, A Natural History of the Fantastic by Christopher Stoll, seeking to answer just that question any many more. Exploring the fantastical biology of such beasties as griffons, minotaurs, mermaids, cyclopes, kappas, centaurs, and, of course, dragons, Christopher Stoll’s art book includes...

The Fermi Paradox

Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. (Rest in peace, Douglas Adams). Now here’s a great two part video explaining the nature of and possible answers to the Fermi Paradox. Not only does the narrator have a smooth British accent, but...

The World in 2025

SingularityHUB has a neat article on 8 predictions for the world of 2025. I think it would be pretty interesting to come back to this article in 10 years (if it exits…) and see what predictions came true. A $1,000 computer with the processing speed of a human brain might...

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer

The latest trailer for Star Wars: the Force Awakens is out now! This one shows a lot more of the characters than the early teaser trailer, and to be honest, is a much better trailer over all.

Chart of Various Sci-Fi Ships

Have you ever wanted to see every ship in science fiction together on the same chart, and all in relative scale? Well, here it is! Although this poster has nearly every spacecraft in science fiction, in relative size to each other, ships smaller than 100 meters and larger than 24 km are omitted...