How to Make a Tesla Gun
Ever wanted to make a lightning bolt gun and run around, laughing maniacally, as you zap everything in sight? Well, this guy did, and he has instructions on how you can too. That is one wicked looking Tesla gun.
Ever wanted to make a lightning bolt gun and run around, laughing maniacally, as you zap everything in sight? Well, this guy did, and he has instructions on how you can too. That is one wicked looking Tesla gun.
As a matter of preference, I tend to avoid topics of a political nature. But this week, the second week of May, 2012, has been a rather momentous week in terms of equal rights. North Carolina just passed their Amendment One law, officially banning same-sex marriages and all forms of...
Here’s a great TedTalk on Babbage’s Analytical Engine. Although the video does not always pan over to the slides, the talk is nevertheless very informative on the general design and operation of the analytical engine. Fascinating stuff!
A new private space company, Planetary Resources, has announced its intention to begin a long term venture aimed at prospecting and mining asteroids within the next 10 to 20 years. Ordinarily, such a venture would be scoffed at by most experts, but Planetary Resources has been operating in secret for...
Well, the new Avengers movie looks better and better with every trailer and clip I see. I sure hope it really is as good as it looks. Check out this latest clip: If the embeded video doesn’t play (or you want to see higher def version), you can find it...
Here’s a great post on the “History of the English Language, in 10 minutes,” voiced by Clive Anderson. Funny and educational.
I’m sorry to say I never heard about the Solomon Kane movie, based on the adventures of the archetypal anti-hero created by Robert E. Howard, which was apparently release in Europe and the UK in 2010. Why did I never see it or even hear about it? Because it was never...
This is a nice little 5 minute chat from Rob Reid, the founder of the company that created Rhapsody, which he recently gave at TED on “Copyright Math”. Very funny!
Have you ever wondered what the most interesting fact in the universe is? Well, here’s how Neil deGrasse Tyson answers that question. And if you have more time on your hands (1 hour and 18 minutes of time), here’s Stephen Colbert’s interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson. Very funny, and very...
I just stumbled upon this “official” Doctor Who parody, which was done for a BBC charity telethon back in 1999. It has some pretty big names including Rowan Atkinson, Richard Grant, and Hugh Grant, and is pretty funny. Plus it has the classic Master (far better than the new Master,...