Author: M.W.Chase

DragonCon 2017

DragonCon 2017 was the biggest DragonCon ever, with some 82,000 to 85,000 people attending! My wife went to some of the bigger media panels, but I stayed away, sticking mostly to the Science and Space tracks with some excursions to the Sci-Fi Literature track, Star Wars track, and the Writing...

Total Eclipse of the Sun

Monday, August 21st, 2017, will mark the first total eclipse to span the entire United States since 1918! That’s a pretty big deal, and if both traffic and the weather cooperate, my family and I will hopeful be in the direct path of totality to see it. Here’s a great...

SpaceX Launches and Lands Another Rocket!

SpaceX has just launched its 12th resupply mission to the International Space Station, and has succeeded in its second landing of its stage 1 one Falcon 9 rocket on solid ground (instead of a barge at sea)! This is great news, as the better they get at landing their rockets...

Thor: Ragnarok

The latest trailer for “Thor: Ragnarok” just came out, and all I can say is, “Wow!” The Hulk, Thor, Valkyrie, and Loki team up to face off against the Goddess of Death, played by Cate Blanchett, and the Grandmaster, played by Jeff Goldblum. This is going to be one wild ride (of...

Blade Runner 2049 Trailer

The Blade Runner 2049 trailer has just come out! It looks like it captures the feel of the original Blade Runner, and even has Harrison Ford… Or at least it will until he gets run through by a lightsaber… no, wait… I have that mixed up with something else. Nevermind....

Down in the Clockwork City

My latest steampunk fantasy story to be published has arrived! Down in the Clockwork City has been released under the Society of Misfit Stories anthology series, and is now available for Kindle download from The description they gave it has a bit to be desired, but I didn’t come...

More on TRAPPIST-1 Star System

Riding on my earlier post about the TRAPPIST-1 star system, I’ve decided to post a couple more informative videos. The first is a 9 minute PBS video describing some of the science behind the discovery and the possible implications for any life that might have evolved there. The second video is...

Seven Planets found in One Star System

NASA has just announced the discovery of a star system (TRAPPIST-1) with not one, not two, not three… not six, but seven Earth-sized rocky planets, two of which are potentially habitable! The star system is just a Kessel Run away (12 parsecs, or 40 light years), so spin up the...

Blade Runner 2049 Teaser

“Replicants are like any other machine. They’re either a benefit or a hazard. If they’re a benefit, it’s not my problem…” That’s right, the gritty, noir cyberpunk film has a sequel, and I for one can’t wait to see it!