Tagged: sci-fi

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Need I say more? I don’t think so! And here’s a nice Featurette. …and I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. And I looked and behold was Death saying, come and see. And I saw. And Hell followed me.  

Freak’n Space Nazi Comedy Action Movie

Iron Sky (which I thought I blogged about last year, but can’t find the post now) is finally being released this year on April 4th, 2012. Check out the trailer! Keep in mind this is an independent film from Finland, from the creators of Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning, and...

Interactive Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy

SF Signal has create an interactive guide to NPR’s top 100 list of science fiction and fantasy books.  They have create a beautiful flowchart and a pretty nifty interactive web app. The flowchart is good to download and print out (if you have a 52″ x 40″ printer), and the...

The Physics of Space Combat

Check it out. Gizmodo has an excellent article on what the real physics of space combat would be like. As you might imagine, Star Wars, Star Trek, Star Gate, Star-whatever-sci-fi-show-you-like, have got it completely and utterly long. A movie or TV show that tried to portray realistic space combat would...

What’s with the Punk?

punk (pŭngk) n., slang 1. a young ruffian; hoodlum. 2. a suffix you can put after any noun to magically create a new style, genre, or sub-culture The “Punk ethos” began sometime during the mid-1970’s and grew though the 1980, and was defined by loud music, leather jackets, ripped jeans,...

Scientists Fear Robot Invasion!

Well, that is a bit sensational of a title. Nevertheless, the New York Times has this intriguing article about the current state of AI, and the fact that a few computer scientist are getting a little jittery about it. It seems that over the past 5 to 8 years, the...

Tron: Legacy

There is some big new from Comic Con about the new Tron movie — Tron: Legacy. From the previews, it looks like it may be pretty good. And if not good, well, at least it will be nostalgic for those of us who grew up ooohhhing and ahhhhing the original...

Nostalgic Space Art

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the greatest achievement in human history (the Apollo 11 lunar landing), I’d like to direct your viewing attention to the oh-so nostalgic gallery of Robert McCall’s space art for NASA. I remember growing up with these pictures, and others like them, dreaming of...

SyFy, as in "Sef-ee"

Well, the SciFi channel has finally done it. They’ve changed their name from the logical SciFi Channel to the utterly silly (not to mention mentally deficient) SyFy Channel.  Of course, with BattleStar Galactica and Stargate gone, it’s not really sci-fi any more anyway (although maybe  Stargate Universe will be something)....

BSG Crew at the United Nations

Well, this is big news in the Realm of Geekdom. It’s also news in human rights. On March 17th, the cast and crew of “Battlestar Galactica” spoke at the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council Chamber. Edward James Olmos (Admiral Adama) attended, as well as President Laura Roslin (President Roslyn). ...