Category: Sci-Fi

Tron: Legacy

There is some big new from Comic Con about the new Tron movie — Tron: Legacy. From the previews, it looks like it may be pretty good. And if not good, well, at least it will be nostalgic for those of us who grew up ooohhhing and ahhhhing the original...

SyFy, as in "Sef-ee"

Well, the SciFi channel has finally done it. They’ve changed their name from the logical SciFi Channel to the utterly silly (not to mention mentally deficient) SyFy Channel.  Of course, with BattleStar Galactica and Stargate gone, it’s not really sci-fi any more anyway (although maybe  Stargate Universe will be something)....

BSG Crew at the United Nations

Well, this is big news in the Realm of Geekdom. It’s also news in human rights. On March 17th, the cast and crew of “Battlestar Galactica” spoke at the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council Chamber. Edward James Olmos (Admiral Adama) attended, as well as President Laura Roslin (President Roslyn). ...