Category: Mythania

Fantastical Airships!

I just found this wonderful, picture-filled article at on assorted airship designs from the early 20th century to the modern day. Some of the airships are recently proposed designs for re-invigorating an interest in airship technology. Others are images of “airships that never were”, and while some could be...

Steampunk 101

Generally speaking, steampunk is a sub-genre of speculative fiction that is set in the Victorian period of the late 19th century or a “Victorian-like period” where steam power is the dominant driving force of the world (instead of gasoline or other 20th century developments). The civilization may even be highly...

Welcome to my world!

With over 100 million blogs in the world (at least, according to Technorati who track blogs), I have no illusions that my little blog will, for the time being, suffer in the black abyssal void of obscurity from whence few blogs have every returned. But anything is possible in the...