Category: Geeky Stuff

16-Bit Avengers Endgame Finale

The 16-bit version of Avengers: Endgame final battle is awesome! Note: do not watch if you haven’t seen Endgame. It is spoilery. The last half of the video shows a “making-of” where the creator of the video, John Stratman, explains how he did it. Pretty cool!

Best D&D CosPlay

Now here’s some old school Dungeons and Dragons if I ever saw it! An almost exact recreation of the old D&D Saturday morning cartoon! As cool as it might be for this to be a cos-play group, it’s actual for a car commercial from Brazil. Who knew Brazilians were so...

Teaser Trailer for Star Wars IX: Rise of Skywalker

The first teaser trailer for “Star Wars IX: Rise of Skywalker” has been released! We can’t really glean too much from the trailer, but we do see Leia, confirming that she is in the film, and see that Lando is in the film as well. The very end, though, has...

First Actual Image of a Black Hole

I know its all over the science news, but I thought I’d post about it too. Here is the first true image of a distant black hole, teased out of a world-spanning network of telescopes called the Event Horizon Telescope. You can read more about it on this article at...

How To Clean Your Computer

We’ve all had it happen — your computer starts to slow down, glitches more and more, freezes or locks up unexpectedly, or just seems take forever to load. Opening it up, you may see the inside covered in dust and grime. Well, there’s your problem! It’s important to clean your...

A Fan’s Review of Alita: Battle Angel

I am a long-time fan of “Battle Angel Alita,” going back all the way to when Viz released the translation of the Gunnm graphic novels, written by Japanese manga-master Yukito Kishiro, back in the 1990s. Viz renamed the main character from Gally to Alita (which, admittedly, does sound cooler), changed...

Awesome NASA Mission Posters

Take a look at these awesome NASA mission posters! These are actually made by NASA and not fans, and they’re slightly corny, which makes them all the better! You can see a lot more of them on this BoredPanda article, or this SpaceFlight101 article. Someone at NASA really put a lot...

Alita: Battle Angel

Valentine’s day, 2019, will see the release of the (hopefully) awesome Hollywood adaptation of Battle Angel Alita, titled (backwardsly) Alita: Battle Angel. Directed by Robert Rodriguez and produced by James Cameron and Jon Landau, this movie has all the making’s a major blockbuster. However, the source material is pretty obscure. Back...

Transformers Bumblebee Trailer

The new trailer for the upcoming Transformers movie “Bumblebee” is out, and I’m stoked! This is a big departure from the Michael Bay’s movies, where he completely re-designed the Autobots and Decepticons to be “more modern”. I’m a Transformers classicist, meaning I’m a huge fan of G1 transformers from the...