Category: Geeky Stuff

Europa Report

Europa Report is a new movie about an international team of astronauts sent a mission to land on and explore the Jovian moon Europa. What makes Europa Report different is that it looks entirely realistic! In fact, the trailer looks like it could have come from an actual mission that...

Tesla’s Laboratory Saved!

Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe (a 501(c)3 not-for-profit), with the fund raising help of Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal fame, has finally purchased the property where stands the last surviving laboratory of Nikola Tesla (visionary scientist and the greatest geek who ever lived): the Wardenclyffe facility. Hurrah! Now they’re going to...

Star Wars Episode VII

Now that Disney has bought Lucas Film, what should we expect for then next Star Wars films? I think these guys have a pretty good idea (and it’s pretty well done, too). But seriously, it looks like the new Star Wars films will be coming out in the summer of...

A Star in a Jar

Check this out. This kid, Taylor Wilson, built a nuclear fusion reactor in his garage when he was 14. No, not a crummy old fission reactor… a fusion reactor. When he was 14, no less. Here’s a clip of his recent TED talk. Wow!  

Wealth in America

This is a most enlightening infographic video highlighting the extreme extent to which wealth inequality exists in America today. It’s well worth looking at, and quite an eye opener. Of course, one must not blindly believe everything one reads, sees, or hears on the Internet, so here’s a few links...

Global Trends 2030

Well, this is certainly interesting. The National Intelligence Council, one of those enigmatic-sounding-yet-mostly-harmless-(well-probably) US government agencies,  has recently released a report called Global Trends 2030. This is interesting because it projects 4 plausible scenarios, or “Alternative Worlds”,  for the future state of the world in the year 2030, covering the...

No Death Star by 2016, Says White House

The White House has just rejected a modest proposal to secure resources and funding to begin construction of a Death Star by 2016.  White House science and technology adviser Paul Shawcross shot down the idea sighting the $850 quadrillion dollar price tag, plus pointing out that the Death Star has...

Zeitgeist 2012

Google has put up their retrospective of the year 2012 with Zeitgeist 2012. A lot happened this past year, so a 2 minute 45 video hardly does it justice… Nevertheless, it is a great perspective of the year in review. Enjoy!