Category: Geeky Stuff

Space is Big. Really Big.

Douglas Adams once said, “Space is big. Really big. ” And the following interactive should help demonstrate “just how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is.” (Just use the scroll bar to zoom in and out, and you can click on things too). Interactive by Cary Huang — be sure to...

Map of the Internet

It’s hard to visualize the internet, if not impossible, but Jay Simons has created a wonderfully creative and visually stunning Map of the Internet, illustrated in the style of a classic global map. The picture below does not do it justice, but just click on the image for a full...

Star Trek Continues

Forget about J.J. Abrams’ “re-imagining” of Star Trek. If you want some new classic Star Trek (TOS), then look no further than Star Trek Continues. The sets, costumes, sound effects, and special effects are very well done, and in the Original Series style. The acting is pretty good too, and even...

Home of a True Trekkie

This is the home of a true Trekkie. Line Rainville apparent spent $30,000 renovating her home to look like the original series Enterprise, complete with a living room that looks like the bridge, bed room, and bathroom.  The attention to detail is phenomenal. You can read more about her Star Trek...

Zeitgeist 2013

Happy New Year everyone! In case 2013 was all a blur, you can check out Google’s Zeitgeist 2013 for a nice short recap (although I was hoping to find a better retrospective, this was really all I could find).


Transcendence is a new movie coming out April of 2014, and seems to either be about AIs or transhumanism, or both. Probably both. Whatever the case, the teaser trail is narrated by Morgan Freeman. Which means it’s epic. Morgan Freeman could narrate paint drying and it would be epic. And...

Google: Your Robot Overlord

Apparently, Google has acquired several robotics companies lately, most notably the famed robotics company Boston Dynamics. Boston Dynamics, for those who do not know, are famed for the creation of BigDog and several other quadruped robots, which quite frankly, are as impressive as they are unnerving. If you have never...

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary

Happy 50th anniversary to the longest running sci-fi series of all time and space! It all began on November 23rd, 1963, on BBC One with the first episode of Doctor Who, An Unearthly Child, in grainy black and white, staring the first Doctor, William Hartnell. Celebrating 50 years of Doctor...

Dragon*Con 2013

This post comes a little late, but we had a great time at Dragon*Con 2013 this year. I have tons of pictures, but this video by BeatDownBuggie pretty much sums it up. If you’ve never been to Dragon*Con before, this will pretty much make you want to go. Check it...

Ender’s Game

At last, one of science fiction’s greatest classics (modern classics anyway) comes to the big silver screen! Come this November, I think we’ll be seeing what a real far future space war would be like. Orson Scott Card is said to be a co-producer, so here’s hoping that Ender’s Game...