Category: Geeky Stuff

Stop Looking At Your Phones

Take a look at this brilliant Downton Abbey parody, also parodying the propensity for us plebeian pedestrians to ponder our phones. (Be warned, however — the parody does use some language that may offend).

Gothic Castle For Sale

Take a look at this crazy cool gothic castle for sale in Woodstock, Connecticut. It costs a cool $45 million, but it does have a moat, 8 bed rooms, a motor pool, and covers 22,000 sq ft of pure medieval fun. Now all it needs is a dragon to perch...

Dragon*Con 2014 Costumes

I posted previously about Dragon*Con 2014, with a few pictures of some of the artifacts at their steampunk museum, but I just discovered this epic video by Crimson Arrow highlighting some of the particularly impressive costumes at Dragon*Con 2014. It is definitely a must see!

Dragon*Con 2014

We got back from Dragon*Con 2014 last week, but this is the first chance I’ve had to actually post about it. As always, we had a great time. We got to see Kevin J. Anderson, Jim Butcher, Harry Turtledove, Gene Wolfe, and Walter Koenig. Patrick Stewart was also there, but...

Star Trek: Axanar

More crowd-funded fan-made sci-fi movie goodness! Take a look at the Kickstarter campaign for Star Trek: Axanar. Their 20 minute prelude film is pretty good, and they are right on target for their budget for the full 90 minute movie! Crowd-funded fan-made sci-fi movies are truly the wave of the...

Earth from Space

Take a look at this amazing video of Earth, as filmed from the International Space Station! Truely epic.

Star Trek Continues in the Mirror Universe

The fan-made Star Trek Original Series continuation has a new episode out, “Fairest of them All”. Taking place in the Mirror Universe, this episode starts off where the original episode, “Mirror, Mirror”, left off. It is fan-made, but the costumes, props, and special effects are all top notch. The acting...