Author: M.W.Chase

Tesla Coil Imperial March

It’s ArcAttack! I love these guys (saw them at DragonCon 08, and wow, that was an electrifying experience to say the least).  They use Tesla coils to create music, ‘nuf said. Here is a fantastic video by ArcAttack of a Tesla Coil playing the “Imperial March” Star Wars song —...

BSG Crew at the United Nations

Well, this is big news in the Realm of Geekdom. It’s also news in human rights. On March 17th, the cast and crew of “Battlestar Galactica” spoke at the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council Chamber. Edward James Olmos (Admiral Adama) attended, as well as President Laura Roslin (President Roslyn). ...

Google Earth, Google Mars

Yes, I am a Google fanboy (what self-respecting Linux-loving, Microsoft-basher isn’t?), and this just makes me “Oooo” and “Ahhhh” with childlike wonder. The new Google Earth 5.0 features…. wait for it… wait for it… Google Mars! As the video shows, Google Mars even has a mode where it can show...

Currency and Measurement in Mythania

I’ve just posted up detailed information on the various currencies and measurement systems in the fantasy world of Mythania. Being that Mythania is not Earth, it certainly stands to reason that their currencies and measuring systems will not be the same as ours (although they are admittedly very similar). As...

Capitalization of Fantasy Race Names

I have struggled for some time with the conundrum of capitalization as it concerns the names of fantasy races. As a reader, I never paid the matter much thought; as a writer, the issue never seems to stop troubling me. If you are an avid fantasy reader, you may have...

Review of CDX-GT630UI

For about a year now, the factory radio and 6-disc CD player in my car has slowly been dying. So on January 10th I finally bit the bullet and purchased a replacement system — an in-dash car MP3 player which I have been wanting, but which was never very high...

Calls for Cthulhu!

Apparently someone has put together a series of talk shows with Cthulhu (yes, the Great Sleepy Old One himself), “Calls for Cthulhu”. These shorts are utterly hysterical, especially if you are familiar with the Cthulhu mythos (and perhaps also pretty funny if you are evently slightly familar with the subject)....

Why Linux is Better

On the subject of Linux I just stumbled upon this very nice web site that helps to explain, in very non-technical terms, why Linux is so much better than Microsoft Windows. Check it out at: It is specifically geared toward Ubuntu Linux, which is probably one of the easiest...

New Mythania Stories

Back on the topic of Mythania, I’ve recently added two new stories for your reading pleasure, “The Duel” and “The Mines of Nuram”. Both are action packed, and should keep you sufficiently glued to your screen for the duration of the stories. If you’re just tuning in, please visit