Author: M.W.Chase

Nostalgic Space Art

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the greatest achievement in human history (the Apollo 11 lunar landing), I’d like to direct your viewing attention to the oh-so nostalgic gallery of Robert McCall’s space art for NASA. I remember growing up with these pictures, and others like them, dreaming of...

SyFy, as in "Sef-ee"

Well, the SciFi channel has finally done it. They’ve changed their name from the logical SciFi Channel to the utterly silly (not to mention mentally deficient) SyFy Channel.  Of course, with BattleStar Galactica and Stargate gone, it’s not really sci-fi any more anyway (although maybe  Stargate Universe will be something)....

Latest Steampunk PC

Ladies and gents, the evil genius Jake of all Trades has done it again. Unveiling his plans for total world domination, he has contrived a monsterfully masterful marvel of infernal engineering. This latest creation of his has been aptly dubbed the Damnation (in honor of the new PS3 game of...

It's better with Linux!

For a few months now, Microsoft and Asus have been running a FUD campaign against Linux. It’s not a big campaign by any measure, but just enough to be annoying (in much the same way that a yapping chihuahua is annoying). Ironically, until now Asus has been a big supporter...

Mythania Web Site Redesigned

Starting today, you may notice a somewhat new look-and-feel for the Mythania web site. I have abandoned the cumbersome content management system (not to be named) and completely redesigned the site with my own custom PHP code, javascript, and xhtml. It should also look a bit cleaner and more modern...

Tesla Coil Imperial March

It’s ArcAttack! I love these guys (saw them at DragonCon 08, and wow, that was an electrifying experience to say the least).  They use Tesla coils to create music, ‘nuf said. Here is a fantastic video by ArcAttack of a Tesla Coil playing the “Imperial March” Star Wars song —...

BSG Crew at the United Nations

Well, this is big news in the Realm of Geekdom. It’s also news in human rights. On March 17th, the cast and crew of “Battlestar Galactica” spoke at the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council Chamber. Edward James Olmos (Admiral Adama) attended, as well as President Laura Roslin (President Roslyn). ...

Google Earth, Google Mars

Yes, I am a Google fanboy (what self-respecting Linux-loving, Microsoft-basher isn’t?), and this just makes me “Oooo” and “Ahhhh” with childlike wonder. The new Google Earth 5.0 features…. wait for it… wait for it… Google Mars! As the video shows, Google Mars even has a mode where it can show...

Currency and Measurement in Mythania

I’ve just posted up detailed information on the various currencies and measurement systems in the fantasy world of Mythania. Being that Mythania is not Earth, it certainly stands to reason that their currencies and measuring systems will not be the same as ours (although they are admittedly very similar). As...

Capitalization of Fantasy Race Names

I have struggled for some time with the conundrum of capitalization as it concerns the names of fantasy races. As a reader, I never paid the matter much thought; as a writer, the issue never seems to stop troubling me. If you are an avid fantasy reader, you may have...