Author: M.W.Chase

Transformer Owl

OK, this is freaky funny. It’s a transformer owl. Actually, it’s a scary owl for exacerbating your inner owl fear (strigiphobia). The source, from Discovery Channel Animal Planet blog, is worth looking at too (though the video is obviously in Japanese, from some Japanese show). Check it out!...

My Review of the ASUS VH242H Display

I just bought a new display screen for my computer. For a writer/programmer half-breed like myself, it’s important to have an excellent display to stare at day in and day out so that my eyes don’t shrivel up and disintegrate as though someone threw a beaker full of concentrated fluorine...

Museum Replicas Now Carrying Steampunk

Museum Replicas, the famed (and somewhat pricey) provisioner of well-crafted replica Medieval, Renaissance, Viking, and fantasy swords, armor, clothing, and apparel, have leapt heedlessly headlong into the alternative 19th century realm of steampunk. Currently, they have some clothing and accessories, a few weapons, and a couple steampunkish gadgets. Their catalog...

Ninjas Take on Muggers, Win

This must be one of the funniest, and most satisfying, news stories I’ve heard in a long time. Apparently, some ninjas in Sydney, Australia recently took on some street thugs who had the misfortune  of carrying out their dastardly deed in an ally behind a ninjutsu dojo. From the Sydney...

Ultimate Steampunk House Revisited

Last year I drew your attention to the ultimate steampunk house, created by Bruce and Melanie Rosenbaum of Modern Victorian Home Restoration (they also did the ultimate steampunk workstation, which I recently posted on). I recently revisited their website and discovered that they now have an extensive virtual tour available...

Ubuntu 10.04 Quick Review

The latest Long Term Support release of the Ubuntu Linux operating system is now available: Ubuntu 10.04, Lucid Lynx. And yes, it just keeps on getting better. Being a Long Term Support release, 10.04 is designed to be stable and mostly bug-free (more so than 9.10, at least), and will...

New Direction for NASA

Back in January I wrote a small article lamenting the end of NASA’s Constellation Program, but was optimistically hopeful for the further development of commercial space ventures. It has always been my hope that our current president would be a progressive, pro-science president. With the announcement of the termination of...

Ultimate Steampunk Workstation

Jake von Slatt (of the Steampunk Workshop) has a picture gallery of what truly must be the ultimate steampunk workstation. Created by Bruce and Melanie Rosenbaum of the ultimate steampunk house, the ultimate steampunk workstation is truly a delight for the senses. If I had loads of money, I would...

RedLetterMedia Reviews

A friend direct me to this fellow over at who review all the greatest sci-fi, fantasy, and action movies but hammers them into the ground pointing out all the plot holes, character problems, and all the assorted mistakes, ad nauseum. Checkout this clip (part 1 of 7) of his...

The Future of Total Multimedia Access

I have often wondered what it would be like to have any movie, any TV show, any documentary, any news broadcast, any historical footage, any sports event, any album, any song, any radio drama, and any thing at all of that or similar nature at my very beck and call....