Author: M.W.Chase

Just Glue Some Gears On It

Just Glue Some Gears on it and call it Steampunk, yes? And if you believe that, old chap, I fear you are outrageously mistaken. Please observe the following musical recital to educate yourself on both what steampunk is, as well as what it most assuredly is not.  

New Mars Rover Launches!

The new Mars rover Curiosity has successfully launched and is now well on its way to the Red Planet. The 9 month journey will (hopefully) conclude in a successful landing and an awesome 2 year (plus) mission to explore the Gale Crater for evidence of microbial life. Here’s the launch....

Time Lapse From Space

This is a fantastic video produced onboard the International Space Station while orbiting 250 miles above the Earth at 17,500 miles per hour. The video was put together by NASA Astronaut Ron Garan. It is absolutely stunning in every way. Just click play, make sure HD is on, click the...

Antikythera Mechanism Watch

For the ultimate clockwork gizmo thingamajig watch, look no further than the Antikythera Mechanism watch! It’s not actually available yet, but the Swiss watchmaker company, Hublot, plans to present it at the Baselworld Watch Show in 2012. In the mean time, enjoy this video on the Antikythera Mechanism and the...

Latest Symphony of Science

The latest “Symphony of Science” video is out, making it the 12th to be released (released, as it was, on Carl Sagan’s birthday at that). If you’ve never seen the “Symphony of Science” videos, they are most definite worth a look. Their latest video, “Onward to the Edge”, features Neil...

Scientists to Rip Spacetime Apart

If I’ve learned anything from Star Trek, it’s that when the words “spacetime” and “rip apart” occur in the same sentience, you get the heck out of the solar system at warp 9. Yet, having failed to blow up the planet with the LHC, particle physicists (being the crazy, zany,...

Zombies Visit Psychic Who Talks to Dead People

Phil Plait, the creator of the Bad Astronomy blog over on Discover Magazine, just put up a great post about James van Praagh, who claims to be able to communicate with the dead (would that not make him a Necromancer?). The James Randi Educational Foundation recently offered him $1 million...

Ubuntu Unity vs Gnome Shell

Today I updated both my main PC and home file server  from Ubuntu 11.04 to 11.10. As you may or may not know, Ubuntu 11.04 came with the new Unity desktop interface, which as I described in a previous post, I really did not like. However, in 11.04 it was...

Authors Need Sponsors! has an interesting article that casts a spotlight on a rather old notion:  should authors have patrons? Back in Ye Olden Days of Yore, authors were commissioned by rich nobles and aristocrats to pen their works. Not so any more. Today, authors must eek a living from the few...