Author: M.W.Chase

Warp Drive Possible?

Is warp drive possible? Dr. Harold White, Advanced Propulsion Lead for the NASA Engineering Directorate, thinks that it might be — and he’s not alone. The first plausible concept for a real warp drive was suggested in 1994 by physicist Miguel Alcubierre, for which the concept is also known as...

Hobbit – Production Video Blog

Now here is a good way to spend the next hour and a half — it’s the complete Hobbit production video blog, episodes 1 to 8. Check it out!  

Dragon*Con 2012 Parade

As I previously posted, we’ve just returned from Dragon*Con 2012, and it was great! Most of my pictures turned out to be from the parade (since I skipped out on the costume contest), and while I have far more pictures than I can possibly post, I thought I would just...

Dragon*Con 2012!

Well, we just returned from Dragon*Con 2012, and it was great! Dragon*Con is one of North America’s biggest sci-fi/fantasy conventions, and I think there were somewhere around 45,000 people there this year (though I swear it felt more like 45,008). I can’t even begin to name the guests who attend,...

Rolling in the Higgs

Well, here’s a really geeky music video parody of Adele’s “Rolling in the Deep” called “Rolling in the Higgs”, sung in a cappella by physics student Tim Blair of A Capella Science. Check it out! There’s a collider under Geneva Reaching new energies that we’ve never achieved before Finally we can...

Rest In Peace, Neil Armstrong

Apollo 11 astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon, has passed away. He was 82. I am deeply saddened by the passing of this iconic American hero–a hero not only to science and the spirit of exploration, but a hero to all humanity whose one...

Reflections on GenCon 2012

GenCon 2012 has come and gone, and I have to say I had a pretty good time! GenCon is best known as a gaming convention, but it also has a large sci-fi and fantasy presence as well. Although I consider myself an on-again-off-again gamer, my wife and I spent most...

Dare Mighty Things

This is a fantastic video using JPL animation and actual footage, compiled and set to music, showing the entry, descent, and landing of the Curiosity rover. Check it out!  

Rover On Mars!

The Mars Science Laboratory, more generally known as Curiosity, has made a picture perfect touched down on Mars after a harrowing entry and descent. Says NASA Administrator Charles Bolden: “Today, the wheels of Curiosity have begun to blaze the trail for human footprints on Mars. Curiosity, the most sophisticated rover...

Mars or Bust

The new Mars rover, Curiosity (or more technically, the Mars Science Laboratory) will reach the Red Planet around midnight on Sunday, August 5th. As far as landings go, this one will be a doozie. Checkout this NASA video, hosted by Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher of Star Trek fame), explaining the...