Author: M.W.Chase

More Images From Pluto

NASA has just released a new video showing the highest resolution yet of the surface of Pluto, and it’s looking quite amazing! According to his NPR article, the new images reveal details of craters and mountains, along with icy plains. With a resolution of around 80 meters per pixel, they show...

Captain America: Civil War

The first trailer for Captain America: Civil War is out, and it’s looking pretty good! Starring all your favorite Avengers heroes: Captain America (of course), Iron Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Black Panther, and more, all duking it out over the Superhero Registration Act.

The Mysterious Explorations of Jasper Morello

The Mysterious Explorations of Jasper Morello is an animated short film by Anthony Lucas. It is a beautiful blend of Gothic horror and steampunk aesthetics, complete with iron dirigibles, a grungy Victorian city, a mad scientist, a tragic hero, and a horrifying monster. It doesn’t get better than this! See...

New Force Awakens Trailer

A new trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens has just come out, and it’s a doozy! This is the first real trailer, as opposed to a mere teaser, and it shows more of the characters and reveals more of what the story is about. Once you’ve watched the trailer,...

Steampunk Amplifier

To go along with my steampunk speakers, I have now put up my Instructables tutorial for putting together a nice little steampunk audio amplifier. This is the amplifier which I have mounted on the hutch over my desk, through which I play all music an audio from my PC. This...

New Battletech PC Game

Battletech is back! There’s a Kickstarter campaign for a new Battletech game, by the same folks who successful ran the Shadowrun Kickstarter campaign. It looks like the campaign has already grown to five times over its original goal, and with 30 days to go no less. That’s pretty good sign! I...

A Map of Literature

17-year-old Martin Vargic has created this amazing Map of Literature as a graphical visualization of how the world’s literature evolved from the ancient era to the present day. The map is incredibly detailed, and features genres, authors, best selling books, best selling authors, and Nobel Prizes in literature. I’ve not been able...

The Martian, A Self-Publishing Dream

Based on the best selling book by Andy Weir, the upcoming movie The Martian, directed by Riddle Scott, promises to be the latest sci-fi thriller in the growing list of near-future hard sci-fi. If I were to give it a short synopsis, I would say it’s a bit like MacGyver in...

Dragon*Con 2015

We just got back from Dragon*Con 2015, and it was as fantastic as usual this year. I got to see some good friends, some good panels, and some really cool people. Although I did spend most of my time in the Space Track and Writer’s Track, I did get out...

Steampunk Tesla Watch

Take a look at this cool steampunk Tesla watch from ThinkGeek. And it’s actually affordable. I’m not sure if the vacuum tubes really do anything other than light up, but it’s a nice effect. My only fear would be loosing the key used to actually wind the watch…