Rogue One: A Teaser Trailer
The Star Wars: Rogue One teaser trailer is finally out and it is indescribably awesome! It is dripping with nostalgia, with an absolutely genuine Star Wars vibe. Forget the other prequels. This is the real prequel!
The Star Wars: Rogue One teaser trailer is finally out and it is indescribably awesome! It is dripping with nostalgia, with an absolutely genuine Star Wars vibe. Forget the other prequels. This is the real prequel!
Now this is a fantastic 8-bit game idea! A Mortal Kombat-style fighting game with legendary scientists and inventors duking it out with superhuman powers and abilities reflecting their most famous discoveries. The game features an evolving Charles Darwin, a space-warping Albert Einstein, a lightning-throwing Nikola Tesla, a spectrum-blasting Isaac Newton, a black...
The new X-Men: Apocalypse trailer is out, and it looks epic. Check it out! Let’s just up the actual movie holds up to the hype (like, you know, Deadpool did).
Brandon Sanderson is one of my favorite authors. He is a true master of epic fantasy, but is perhaps an even greater master of world building and refreshingly unique magic systems. The richly detailed worlds he creates are distinctly different from the “cut and dry” European fantasy tropes, and often...
The latest, and apparent final, trailer for Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice has just been released. Judging from this trailer, it certainly looks like it will be good, but, of course, we never know until we see it.
The final episode of Phil Plait’s “Crash Course in Astronomy” is out, and it’s a pretty good wrap-up to the series. If you been watching the show, be sure to watch the last episode, and if you haven’t seen the show, but have any interest in space or astronomy, then...
Have you ever wondered how the universe will end? Will it end with a bang, a whimper, a crunch, a fizzle, a freeze? To find out, have a look at the latest episode of Crash Course Astronomy with Phil Plait. Spoilers: it will be a very cold, dark, empty place, but not for a...
My steampunk fantasy short story, The Mines of Nuram, has been published in the January 2016 issue of Bards and Sages Quarterly. If you want to check it out, and read some other good stories as well, you can get a print copy through Amazon or a Kindle addition if you prefer.
I just saw Star Wars: The Force Awakens. No spoilers here, but I can tell you it was great, and just full of surprises! (Now I can get back to reading Wookieepedia and not worry about spoilers).
Here’s a DIY video for making your own gaming table. It’s pretty sweet! I just wish I had more skills. And a workshop.