Tagged: Science

Google: Your Robot Overlord

Apparently, Google has acquired several robotics companies lately, most notably the famed robotics company Boston Dynamics. Boston Dynamics, for those who do not know, are famed for the creation of BigDog and several other quadruped robots, which quite frankly, are as impressive as they are unnerving. If you have never...

Views of Earth from the ISS

Check out this video ,”The World Outside My Window”, a time-lapses of Earth from the International Space Station. Epic. Beautiful. Majestic. And if you liked that one, you’ll also like this one, “All Alone in the Night”:

Cosmos Returns

In 1980, Carl Sagan’s Cosmos aired on PBS — a phenomenal and ground breaking science show which brought knowledge of the universe to millions (or dare I say… “Billions and Billions…”). In 2014, Cosmos shall return again, hosted by famed astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson. Check it out!

Flying Around a Möbius Strip

This is too cool — and quite literally cool at that! The following video from the Royal Institution is a fantastic demonstration of the wonders of superconductors. Here we have a superconductor “car” zipping around a magnetic track shaped like a möbius strip. And yes, that does mean it’s moving...

Europa Report

Europa Report is a new movie about an international team of astronauts sent a mission to land on and explore the Jovian moon Europa. What makes Europa Report different is that it looks entirely realistic! In fact, the trailer looks like it could have come from an actual mission that...

A Star in a Jar

Check this out. This kid, Taylor Wilson, built a nuclear fusion reactor in his garage when he was 14. No, not a crummy old fission reactor… a fusion reactor. When he was 14, no less. Here’s a clip of his recent TED talk. Wow!  

Interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson

Check out this great 40 minute interview and Q&A with famed astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson. And if you still haven’t gotten enough of Neil deGrasse Tyson, take a look at these great StarTalk videos.  

Fusion By 2025? You Decide

So this group at Lockheed Martin claims they’ll have 100 MW fusion reactors by 2025. That would be great, but… well, they seem a little sketchy on the details. Still, it is Lockheed Martin. Best of luck!  

Global Trends 2030

Well, this is certainly interesting. The National Intelligence Council, one of those enigmatic-sounding-yet-mostly-harmless-(well-probably) US government agencies,  has recently released a report called Global Trends 2030. This is interesting because it projects 4 plausible scenarios, or “Alternative Worlds”,  for the future state of the world in the year 2030, covering the...

No Death Star by 2016, Says White House

The White House has just rejected a modest proposal to secure resources and funding to begin construction of a Death Star by 2016.  White House science and technology adviser Paul Shawcross shot down the idea sighting the $850 quadrillion dollar price tag, plus pointing out that the Death Star has...