Category: Steampunk

Ultimate Steampunk Workstation

Jake von Slatt (of the Steampunk Workshop) has a picture gallery of what truly must be the ultimate steampunk workstation. Created by Bruce and Melanie Rosenbaum of the ultimate steampunk house, the ultimate steampunk workstation is truly a delight for the senses. If I had loads of money, I would...

Antique PC Case!

nMediaPc, the self-proclaimed leading Home Theater PC component manufacturer, has released a retro-looking PC case which should have every steampunk enthusiast oohing and awing… not only over the appearance of the case, but also its affordable price. Although the retail price is $120, it is currently selling for around $89...

Steampunk Weapons

Here’s my obligatory steampunk post of the month, since I’ve not posted anything steampunkish since December. It’s a large collection of 24 steampunk guns, blades, and other wonky weapon things. Check it out at!

Doctor Who and a New Year

“Doctor Who” ranks pretty high on my list of ultimate sci-fi series–in fact, it is probably the ultimate Steampunk sci-fi series of all time, hands down. And well it should be, as it has been running for over 45 years, albeit with a sizeable gap between the classic and the...

Steampunk in Times Magazine

Looks like there is a nice little article on Steampunk in Times magazine. Steampunk is still far from mainstream, and I dread to think about what would happen if it were to become mainstream, but it is still nice to see a little press every now and then! And wow,...

War of the Worlds: Goliath

It seems like every day there’s just a bit more steampunk in the world. The latest addition to the steampunk genre is “War of the Worlds: Goliath”. It’s an animated movie, but it seems to be rated R for language, violence, and possibly sex and nudity. It’s, after all, produced...

Neo-Victorian Steampunk House

Now here’s something you could do if you had, oh I don’t know, maybe a million freaking dollars? You could renovate an old Victorian house into a shiny brass Neo-Victorian Steampunk House! This fantastic work was done by Bruce and Melanie Rosenbaum of Modern Victorian Home Restoration. Way to go!...

Abney Park – Aether Shanties

Well, it seems the steampunk band Abney Park has released their new album, Aether Shanties! Just based on the titles alone, it looks to be a very steampunkish album, perhaps more-so than Lost Horizons, which was pretty steampunk by anyone’s definition. I have not been able to find a good...

Vernian Process – Behold the Machine

The Neo-Victorian, Jules Verne inspired, Steampunkish band, Vernian Process,has released (or are close to releasing) their new album, “Behold the Machine”. You can listen to their new album, or download it if you wish, on the band’s MySpace page at Seriously good stuff for the steampunk in us all!...

Steampunk Haunted House!

Well, this is truly unique. A steampunk haunted house, which was apparently open from Oct. 28th to Oct 31st in Abrons Art Center located in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Those crazy artsy New Yorkers, what’ll they think of next? It’s creepy, cool, a extremely well done. Check it out: