Category: Science

Latest Symphony of Science

The latest “Symphony of Science” video is out, making it the 12th to be released (released, as it was, on Carl Sagan’s birthday at that). If you’ve never seen the “Symphony of Science” videos, they are most definite worth a look. Their latest video, “Onward to the Edge”, features Neil...

Scientists to Rip Spacetime Apart

If I’ve learned anything from Star Trek, it’s that when the words “spacetime” and “rip apart” occur in the same sentience, you get the heck out of the solar system at warp 9. Yet, having failed to blow up the planet with the LHC, particle physicists (being the crazy, zany,...

Zombies Visit Psychic Who Talks to Dead People

Phil Plait, the creator of the Bad Astronomy blog over on Discover Magazine, just put up a great post about James van Praagh, who claims to be able to communicate with the dead (would that not make him a Necromancer?). The James Randi Educational Foundation recently offered him $1 million...

Study Shows Heavy Medieval Armor Was Heavy

A shocking report from scientists at the University of Leeds has revealed that Medieval knights were encumbered by heavy armor, and expended more energy than they otherwise would when not wearing heavy armor. The study was performed on medieval reenactors for the Royal Armouries in Leeds, who donned full...

Tribute to the Space Shuttles

This is perhaps the greatest tribute to America’s Space Shuttle program that I have yet seen. An 8 minute video from Nature Videos (of the Nature  science journal), it highlights every mission in the 30 year program–it’s good times and bad times, it’s triumphs and it’s tragedies. So turn up...

Shuttle Age Over, What Now?

The Space Shuttle Atlantis landed this morning at 5:56am EDT on July 21, 2011, bringing to a close the halcyon days of Mankind’s exploration of space. Okay, I suppose it is a bit too harsh to say that this end’s the human exploration of space. The point is simply that,...

End of an Era

On July 20th, 2011, the Space Shuttle Atlantis will touch down after a 12 day mission, marking the end of an era. Never again will one of these distinguished spacecraft grace the launch pad of Cape Canaveral, rocket through the sky above the Atlantic, or reach onward to that great...

Saturn Fly-By Actual Footage

The following video is actual video of an approach to Saturn and its moons, not 3D CGI or other computer animation. It’s real footage of Saturn, its rings, and moons. It was created from a compilation of actual photographs taken by the Cassini space probe in 2004. It is truly...

Welcome Our Computer Overlords

“I for one welcome our new computer overlords,” wrote former Jeopardy champion Ken Jennings on the answer to his Final Jeopardy question as he conceded his defeat to the IBM supercomputer Watson. No matter who you were rooting for, it was indeed an historic day: February 16, 2011 will mark...

Keplar Discovers Small Rocky Exoplanet

Big news in science and astronomy, so I can’t pass it up. The Keplar space telescope has recently discovered its first small, rocky exoplanet, designated Kepler-10b, located some 560 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. The host star is about 11 billion years old, and unfortunately the planet is...