Interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson
Check out this great 40 minute interview and Q&A with famed astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson. And if you still haven’t gotten enough of Neil deGrasse Tyson, take a look at these great StarTalk videos.
Check out this great 40 minute interview and Q&A with famed astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson. And if you still haven’t gotten enough of Neil deGrasse Tyson, take a look at these great StarTalk videos.
So this group at Lockheed Martin claims they’ll have 100 MW fusion reactors by 2025. That would be great, but… well, they seem a little sketchy on the details. Still, it is Lockheed Martin. Best of luck!
Well, this is certainly interesting. The National Intelligence Council, one of those enigmatic-sounding-yet-mostly-harmless-(well-probably) US government agencies, has recently released a report called Global Trends 2030. This is interesting because it projects 4 plausible scenarios, or “Alternative Worlds”, for the future state of the world in the year 2030, covering the...
The White House has just rejected a modest proposal to secure resources and funding to begin construction of a Death Star by 2016. White House science and technology adviser Paul Shawcross shot down the idea sighting the $850 quadrillion dollar price tag, plus pointing out that the Death Star has...
The year 2012 marked the first achievement for private space ventures with SpaceX’s docking of their Dragon cargo capsule to the International Space Station (which they in fact did twice). This year (2013), private companies like SpaceX, Sierra Nevada, XCOR, and Virgin Galactic are gearing up to make even greater...
This is certainly interesting: NASA Johnson (Space Center) Style, an unofficial NASA parody of that wacky K-Pop song, Gangnam Style (the first YouTube video to get 1 billion hits…) Check it out!
Hello, and welcome to December 22nd, 2012: the day after the day the world did not end. Still wondering why the world didn’t end? Well, the short answer is simply that a bunch of crazy people saying the world will end does not simply make the world end. The better...
Perhaps you’ve already seen all the impressive Earth at night images (like this famous one), but here something new: an actual video of Earth rotating, as taken from the night side. This is really impressive, and you must watch it at full screen in full HD resolution (and, if you...
Well, it’s December 1st of 2012, and the Mayan predicted doomsday apocalypse of total global Armageddon is a mere 19 days away. Maybe it will be the rouge planet Nibir-whatever, or a massive geomagnetic polar shift, or the LHC could generate a black hole, or maybe some military bio-plague will...
Director of the Hayden Planetarium, Neil deGrasse Tyson, has found Superman’s home star system of Krypton! Apparently, the star is a red dwarf designated LHS 2520 in the constellation Corvus, some 27.1 light years from Earth. This was, of course, done for DC Comics, and Dr. Tyson himself can be...