Category: Science

The Physics of Space Combat

Check it out. Gizmodo has an excellent article on what the real physics of space combat would be like. As you might imagine, Star Wars, Star Trek, Star Gate, Star-whatever-sci-fi-show-you-like, have got it completely and utterly long. A movie or TV show that tried to portray realistic space combat would...

Apollo 11, 40th Anniversary

Today, July 20th, 2009, is the 40th anniversary of humankind’s first landing on the moon — a momentous achievement to be sure, and in my opinion the greatest in all of human history. There’s a lot of news coverage for the event, of course, so this post is mainly to...

Nostalgic Space Art

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the greatest achievement in human history (the Apollo 11 lunar landing), I’d like to direct your viewing attention to the oh-so nostalgic gallery of Robert McCall’s space art for NASA. I remember growing up with these pictures, and others like them, dreaming of...

Google Earth, Google Mars

Yes, I am a Google fanboy (what self-respecting Linux-loving, Microsoft-basher isn’t?), and this just makes me “Oooo” and “Ahhhh” with childlike wonder. The new Google Earth 5.0 features…. wait for it… wait for it… Google Mars! As the video shows, Google Mars even has a mode where it can show...