Author: M.W.Chase

Neo-Victorian Steampunk House

Now here’s something you could do if you had, oh I don’t know, maybe a million freaking dollars? You could renovate an old Victorian house into a shiny brass Neo-Victorian Steampunk House! This fantastic work was done by Bruce and Melanie Rosenbaum of Modern Victorian Home Restoration. Way to go!...

Ubuntu Linux 9.10… Oh, who's such a cute koala!

As is apparent from my blog post a few weeks ago, I just built a new computer and it needed a new operating system installed on it. For this, I chose to install the latest, greatest, most powerful modern operating system on the planet. No, it’s not Windows 7, silly...

Abney Park – Aether Shanties

Well, it seems the steampunk band Abney Park has released their new album, Aether Shanties! Just based on the titles alone, it looks to be a very steampunkish album, perhaps more-so than Lost Horizons, which was pretty steampunk by anyone’s definition. I have not been able to find a good...

Vernian Process – Behold the Machine

The Neo-Victorian, Jules Verne inspired, Steampunkish band, Vernian Process,has released (or are close to releasing) their new album, “Behold the Machine”. You can listen to their new album, or download it if you wish, on the band’s MySpace page at Seriously good stuff for the steampunk in us all!...

Steampunk Haunted House!

Well, this is truly unique. A steampunk haunted house, which was apparently open from Oct. 28th to Oct 31st in Abrons Art Center located in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Those crazy artsy New Yorkers, what’ll they think of next? It’s creepy, cool, a extremely well done. Check it out:

My New PC Build Walk-Through

It was a dark and stormy night. A tree fell half a mile down the road, broke a power line, caused a brown out, and somehow all of that killed my main computer. Not my server mind you, it was fine. But my main computer that I work and play...

Microsoft Shoots Self In Head

I must say that Microsoft’s marketing department is Microsoft’s own worst enemy. I don’t know who came up with the idea of a “Windows 7 Launch Party”, but they either a) had no idea what they were doing or b) are secretly plotting to destroy Microsoft form the inside (kudos...

Must Have Steampunk Essentials

I just ran across these rather cool Steampunk goggles and thought I should post. They are fairly well priced, given the quality of workmanship (at least, from the pictures), so go ahead and check it out on And while we are on the subject, check out these other steampunk...

Steampunk Culture – Abney Park

This is a great 7 minute interview with one of my favorite bands, Abney Park, on steampunk culture, style, and music. Check it out!

What’s with the Punk?

punk (pŭngk) n., slang 1. a young ruffian; hoodlum. 2. a suffix you can put after any noun to magically create a new style, genre, or sub-culture The “Punk ethos” began sometime during the mid-1970’s and grew though the 1980, and was defined by loud music, leather jackets, ripped jeans,...