Author: M.W.Chase

The Star Wars That I Used To Know

This well-executed parody of Gotye’s popular song “Somebody that I used to Know” pretty much sums up my feelings of the Star Wars prequels and the “re-masterings” of the original films. If only Mr. Lucas could find it in his cold, calloused heart to release the original theatrical versions on...

The Future is Ours

The news today is rife with stories of heartbreaking tragedy and unrelenting terror, gloomy outlooks and pessimistic forecasts. But as Peter Diamandis points out in his recent TEDTalk, the media caters directly to our amygdala, giving us more pessimistic news than optimistic news. The reality is, we live in a world...

43 Years Since Moon Landing…

It’s been 43 years since the first human beings landed on the moon… And we’ve not been back since December 1972. It’s utterly baffling to me — this is the year 2012, and by now we should have flourishing lunar colonies, L5 space stations, and human explorers walking on the...

Higgs Boson Discovered

The great thing about science is that it makes predictions that can be tested, the results of which either disprove or leading credence to, various theories and models that describe how the universe works. One of these was the prediction that a particle known as the Higgs Boson “gives mass”...

Yes, Falling into a Volcano Burns

On the heels of Phil Plait’s post on how much getting blasted out an airlock sucks, Discovery News has just chimed in to say that falling into a volcano is awfully fatal too. In case you didn’t know. Check out this video of a 30 kg (65 lbs) bag of...

Yes, Explosive Decompression Sucks

Famed astronomy blogger Phil Plait has a few sagely words to say to all sci-fi writers and movie directors about what happens when you’re suddenly exposed to the perilous vacuum of space. So what does happen? Does your body suddenly explode? Does your blood boil? Do your eyes pop out?...

Neil deGrasse Tyson – We Stopped Dreaming

Neil deGrasse Tyson has some very poignant (and sometimes a bit heated) things to say about how and why America stopped dreaming about space exploration. Check it out! And for a longer version of his, here’s the first part of his “We Stopped Dreaming” mini-documentary. And the second part: In...

Rest In Peace, Ray Bradbury

Ray Bradbury, author of “Fahrenheit 451,” “The Martian Chronicles,” “Something Wicked This Way Comes,” and over 600 short stories, has passed away at the age of 91. With eerily apropos timing, the planet Venus completed its once-in-a-century transit of the sun even as he passed from this world. Watch, think,...

Amercia (sic) Needs Copy Editors

We all know that Mitt Romney’s campaign team has chronic spelling deficiency disorder, but this recent CNN article brings to light how pervasive the disease really is — and why “Amercia” needs copy editors. People reading newspapers and news sites can empathize. They’re seeing lots of typos, as well as errors...

Steampunk Cruise?

This is kind of cool, but at the same time a bit peculiar. There is apparently a Steampunk Cruise in the works, scheduled (that’s shej-ool’d) for March of 2013, aboard Royal Caribbean’s Navigator of the Seas. Information on booking is here. So, wow, a steampunk cruise! And now that I...