Author: M.W.Chase

Flying Around a Möbius Strip

This is too cool — and quite literally cool at that! The following video from the Royal Institution is a fantastic demonstration of the wonders of superconductors. Here we have a superconductor “car” zipping around a magnetic track shaped like a möbius strip. And yes, that does mean it’s moving...

Steampunk Weapons Useless Against Fists?

Say it isn’t so! According to (parody) news site The Daily Mash, (pretend) steampunk weapons are not as effective in a fight as fists. The tale of the (fictional) altercation is quite humorous, and just goes to show that if you do enter a pub in town of Whitby dressed...

The Desolation of Smaug Trailer

The teaser trailer for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is finally out! Although some of the CGI does not appear to be complete… (at least I hope, as some of the textures look quite flat).  

Europa Report

Europa Report is a new movie about an international team of astronauts sent a mission to land on and explore the Jovian moon Europa. What makes Europa Report different is that it looks entirely realistic! In fact, the trailer looks like it could have come from an actual mission that...

Steampunk Revolution

Check out the latest music video from Abney Park, Steampunk Revolution, with clips from more than a few steampunk enthusiasts from around the world. Pretty cool! It looks like the video is mainly there to advertise their latest CD, but who can blame them for some smart self-promotion?

Tesla’s Laboratory Saved!

Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe (a 501(c)3 not-for-profit), with the fund raising help of Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal fame, has finally purchased the property where stands the last surviving laboratory of Nikola Tesla (visionary scientist and the greatest geek who ever lived): the Wardenclyffe facility. Hurrah! Now they’re going to...

Star Wars Episode VII

Now that Disney has bought Lucas Film, what should we expect for then next Star Wars films? I think these guys have a pretty good idea (and it’s pretty well done, too). But seriously, it looks like the new Star Wars films will be coming out in the summer of...