Author: M.W.Chase

The Great Martian War

As historical footage / CGI mashups go, this one takes the cake! Using World War I archival footage, CGI, and probably some reenactment footage as well, this video shows what a real Martian War would have looked like in 1914. The footage is from a History Channel mockumentary called “The...

Dragon*Con 2014 Costumes

I posted previously about Dragon*Con 2014, with a few pictures of some of the artifacts at their steampunk museum, but I just discovered this epic video by Crimson Arrow highlighting some of the particularly impressive costumes at Dragon*Con 2014. It is definitely a must see!

Dragon*Con 2014

We got back from Dragon*Con 2014 last week, but this is the first chance I’ve had to actually post about it. As always, we had a great time. We got to see Kevin J. Anderson, Jim Butcher, Harry Turtledove, Gene Wolfe, and Walter Koenig. Patrick Stewart was also there, but...

Star Trek: Axanar

More crowd-funded fan-made sci-fi movie goodness! Take a look at the Kickstarter campaign for Star Trek: Axanar. Their 20 minute prelude film is pretty good, and they are right on target for their budget for the full 90 minute movie! Crowd-funded fan-made sci-fi movies are truly the wave of the...

Earth from Space

Take a look at this amazing video of Earth, as filmed from the International Space Station! Truely epic.

Star Trek Continues in the Mirror Universe

The fan-made Star Trek Original Series continuation has a new episode out, “Fairest of them All”. Taking place in the Mirror Universe, this episode starts off where the original episode, “Mirror, Mirror”, left off. It is fan-made, but the costumes, props, and special effects are all top notch. The acting...

Leaked Star Wars Footage!

New leaked Star Wars footage from the Frankfurt airport in Germany. And before you ask, of course it’s a joke. But it demonstrates some really good CGI work by the creators of this little film. Thumbs up!  

Elon Musk Donates to Tesla Museum

Awesome news from Matthew Inman, creator of the Oatmeal webcomic — tech billionaire Tony Stark Elon Musk has just promised to donate $1 million dollars to the Tesla Museum at Wardenclyff! ABC News also has some information about Elon Musk’s donation as well. Hurrah! Oh, and don’t forget to checkout the Oatmeal’s...