Author: M.W.Chase

The Old New World Animation Project

The “Old New World” photo-animation project, by Alexey Zakharov, takes the viewer back to the 1910s and 1920s in a steampunk time machine. Using old-time photographs, and set to a classic ragtime tune, Alexey Zakharov has brought new life to the old world in this computer animated short. You can see more about it...

Wanderers – Humanity’s Expansion Into the Solar System

Wanderers is a short film by Erik Wernquist envisioning the future of humanity’s expansion into the Solar System, based on scientific ideas and concepts of what our future in space might look like. The locations depicted in the film are digital recreations of actual places in the Solar System, built from real photos...

Doctor Who Video Montage

I just stumbled upon a really cool Doctor Who video montage. It’s worth checking out, if you’re a Doctor Who fan (though it probably won’t make sense if your not). There’s a whole series of these (and a few other shows mixed in too, like Sherlock) by TheGaroStudios. It’s worth...

Sanjay’s Super Team

With all the superhero movies that have been coming out of late, perhaps it’s time for something a little new, a little old, and a little different? Well Disney Pixar has a nice little animated short film called Sanjay’s Super Team, in which young boy finds a new, and very old,...

Star Wars: The Mega-Infographic

Martin Panchaud, an illustrator and graphic novelist with apparently a lot of time on his hands, has created a truly epic and utterly awe-inspiring mega-infographic of Star Wars IV: A New Hope. Yes, the entire movie, in one gigantic, scrollable infographic. And it’s big. Really big. If printed, the infographic would...

Kepler Finds Even More Exo-Planets

NASA’s Kepler mission has just announced finding some 1,284 new largish balls of rocks and somewhat larger balls of gas orbiting distant stars. That brings the total number of exo-planets discovered to nearly 5,000. That’s 5,000 planets known to exist orbiting distant stars. Wow! They also revealed that 9 of...

Terran Trade Authority – Spacecraft 2000-2100 AD

I just ran across this amazing CGI animation by Adrian Mann of Stewart Cowley’s Spacecraft, 2000-2100 A.D sci-fi art book. I had this book as a kid, and it was absolutely amazing–a vision of mankind’s exploration of space in all its breathtaking wonder and grandeur. Although long out of print, you can still find...

DIY Thermite Launcher!

Check out this homemade thermite launcher! I’m sure it’s perfectly safe to use, though to be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t be wearing a tie while firing this thing. Oh, and, don’t try this at home…