Tagged: Space

Keplar Discovers Small Rocky Exoplanet

Big news in science and astronomy, so I can’t pass it up. The Keplar space telescope has recently discovered its first small, rocky exoplanet, designated Kepler-10b, located some 560 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. The host star is about 11 billion years old, and unfortunately the planet is...

Take Me To Your Ambassador, Earthling

The United Nation is set to appoint Mrs. Mazlan Othman, the current Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (or UNOOSA), to serve as Earth’s official ambassador in the event of extraterrestrial contact. Until now, no one person had been designated for this task, and the exact...

Lots of Earth-like Planets

Wow. We all knew the launch of the Kepler Telescope would likely reveal a few interesting  Earth-like planets that might be capable of harboring life. I don’t think anyone expect hundreds of Earth-like planet candidates to be discovered within a year of its operation. But no one, not even NASA,...

Space… the Enterprising Frontier

It is now the year 2010. Looking back at my childhood, I recall how excited I was about this year. In the 1980s, the year 2010 was envision as the beginning of brilliant era of manned space exploration and scientific discovery. We would have numerous orbiting space stations, a permanent...

Apollo 11, 40th Anniversary

Today, July 20th, 2009, is the 40th anniversary of humankind’s first landing on the moon — a momentous achievement to be sure, and in my opinion the greatest in all of human history. There’s a lot of news coverage for the event, of course, so this post is mainly to...